The best start for a bright future
In many instances, early correction of dental misalignments in children will enable them to avoid having to undergo invasive surgery or more complicated procedures later in life.
Usually used with children between the ages of around 7 to 10 years, Early Treatment generally comprises two elements: the wearing of a removable appliance to assist teeth alignment, and daily exercises to train the mouth for better function. This process typically takes between 10 and 18 months. In some instances, if necessary, a second phase of treatment may be undertaken when the child’s face and jaw structure stop growing, often from the age of 11 years. This takes the form of a fixed appliance, which may be worn for between 1 and 3 years.
In 2018 Invisalign’s innovations in the field of teeth straightening continued when it launched Invisalign FIRST for 7 to 11-year-olds. A remarkable product, Invisalign FIRST has eradicated the need for kids to be subjected to clunky and uncomfortable old-style plates and impressions, which is a huge relief to both them and their parents. The elimination of the need for braces for this age group is a hugely positive development, in part due to reasons of comfort and aesthetics, and in part because braces cannot stick to ‘baby’ teeth as well as they can to ‘adult’ teeth.
Whenever possible, our junior patients are treated with this superior system, with which Brace5’s Dr John Mamutil has considerable experience delivering (many orthodontists do not yet feel confident enough to do so). In fact, as a recognised pioneer of treating the teeth straightening needs of this age group, Dr Mamutil was honoured to be appointed to an advisory role with Invisalign and named in the highly coveted Invisalign Global Top 300.


At Brace5 we pride ourselves on our family-friendly service and great relationships with all of our clients. Almost 30 years of experience has taught us that the prospect of orthodontic treatment can be intimidating for children, and that special skills are required to provide them with the reassurance they need. You can rest assured that John and the team will not only put your child at ease, but even put a smile on their face from day one!
By getting your child’s teeth and mouth function assessed and treated by an orthodontist at an early age, you can give them the best chance of developing, and maintaining, a healthy and confident smile into adulthood.